Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tumbling Dice?

I missed this story while I was road tripping.

Iowa casino revenue down in fiscal 2009

First time ever!

Down $2.56 Million!

That must be why the Big Lug Nut is sweating, after all his I-Jobs borrowing scam relies on that revenue.

In mid March, during his SHOVE(L) IT tour, BLN told Iowans...

This is a practical, pragmatic step. It a responsible step. It’s fiscally sound. There’s not a risk here.”

The short term risk is to his second term, hopefully Iowans will send him searching for a new I-Job and the scientific community is united in that fact.

The 20 year long term risk has this coming out of the state's general fund.

I want to make sure everyone understand that this isn’t some crazy idea. That this is well thought out and makes sense.”

Always in a hurry, I never stop to worry, Dont you see the time flashin by. Honey, got no money, Im all sixes and sevens and nines. Say now, baby, Im the rank outsider, You can be my partner in crime.


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