Oh, The Irony

Did anyone else, anywhere, catch the irony of Barack Obama before the U.N.?
"...democracy and human rights are essential to achieving each of the goals that I've discussed today, because governments of the people and by the people are more likely to act in the broader interests of their own people, rather than narrow interests of those in power".
"The test of our leadership will not be the degree to which we feed the fears and old hatreds of our people. True leadership will not be measured by the ability to muzzle dissent, or to intimidate and harass political opponents at home. The people of the world want change. They will not long tolerate those who are on the wrong side of history".
"...And I pledge that America will always stand with those who stand up for their dignity and their rights -- for the student who seeks to learn; the voter who demands to be heard; the innocent who longs to be free; the oppressed who yearns to be equal."
If only we could get him, his administration, CONgressional Dummycrats and their supporters to practice it in America and the scientific community is united in that fact.
I chose to embolden passages.
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