Saturday, October 17, 2009

Leader of The Pack?

Does the Big Lug Nut believe he's a leader merely because he was finally forced to make choices?

He avoided doing anything about this situation for months saying in June, "I think we’ve done enough so far” and we should be able to avoid future budget cuts.


The BLN instigated borrowing $830 Million for spending and actually believes "Iowa has not spent too much".


It's a good thing the state has received federal stimulus money, otherwise the situation would be drastically worse.

We're supposed to be impressed because he cut his pay 10%?

Sign me up for a pay cut to $117,000!

He's still getting free housing and transportation.

Culver shouldn't get four more minutes in office, let alone four more years and the scientific community is united in that fact.

I'm starting to agree with my friend Cal, Freedom's pal, who thinks we should limit all politicians to two terms.

One in Office.

One in Prison.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I'll say it again......

"One term in office and one in the pen".

10:56 PM


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