
Here's a portion of the President's remarks on his meeting with fellow Dummycrats...
"...we are on the precipice of an achievement that's eluded Congresses and presidents for generations, a achievement that will touch the lives of nearly every American."
You'll be touched alright, in the wallet and the scientific community is united in that fact.
...administration economists on Friday predicted the overhaul would accelerate rising costs of health insurance and medical services, and that its proposed Medicare cuts could reduce care for senior citizens.
A report by analysts at the Health and Human Services Department said the bill would increase the nation's annual spending on health care beyond the current $2.5 trillion at a slightly faster rate than if Congress did nothing.
It concluded that new taxes on drugs, medical devices and health insurance plans would trigger higher insurance premiums for consumers.
Keep in mind that the health care bill raises taxes right away, but the vast majority of its benefits do not kick in until 2014.
Precipice can be defined, by the Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, as a hazardous situation.
If you're going to get sick, now may be a good time to do it.
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