Saturday, March 27, 2010

In The Dark

It's being reported that two institutions in Iowa will be dimming their lights, tonight, for Earth Hour.

From 8:30 to 9:30, The Iowa State Capitol will be turning off all lighting (except security lighting and lighting required by the Federal Aviation Administration).

Nothing unusual about those at the Capitol being in the dark and the scientific community is united in that fact.

The Ragister asked what happens if the Legislature is still in session and a spokesman for the state’s administrative services department said, "we’ll need to be ready to implement the top secret contingency plan – lamps fueled by whale oil or something.”

I'm thinking that blubbering fool didn't realize Earth Hour is a project of the World Wildlife Federation.

The Quaker Oats sign in Cedar Rapids will be turned off for the hour, now if they could only turn off the smell that city wouldn't be known as Cedar RANCID.

Quaker Oats is owned by Pepsico and their Chairman/CEO has a history of flipping off America.

The Ragister also gave suggestions on how to spend the hour, a couple of which include --

- Play charades, 20 questions or other games that don't require batteries.

Charades in the dark?

What's wrong with batteries?

They also suggest

- Use the hour to swap out your incandescent bulbs for more energy-efficient compact fluorescents.

That's why they're called report-errs.


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