Learn Anything?

It's been a little over three years since I opined Real Life Lesson 101.
Back then Phil Roeder was President of the Des Moines Public School Board that hired Superintendent Nancy Sebring.
While remaining one of Sebring's bosses, Roeder was in turn hired by Sebring to be the school systems spokesperson.
Roeder and the district found nothing unethical about that hire and Sebring called the hiring..."an unusual situation".
Now comes word that the Des Moines charter school hires superintendent’s sister as its new director.
Sebring's twin sister has no previous experience with charter schools and has not been a principal.
"...I didn’t know she was Nancy’s sister until after the fact.” said the person that hired her, “I don’t know if any of the folks who did the interviewing knew who she was."
Just another "unusual situation" and the scientific community is united in that fact.
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