Monday, September 20, 2010

Hey Grandma

From the looks of it, Rozanne, err Taxanne Conlin has a history with empty chairs.

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate candidate held a one hour debate with an empty chair.

One Hour?

That explains why the Des Moines Register felt that Conlin was not an especially impressive choice for the job of U.S. senator.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

It probably took that long because Conlin and the chair hold several similar positions.

Neither wants to do anything about the unsustainability of Social Security and both can be found in various tax shelters.

Maybe next time she can debate CommieTommie Harkin about his same yes vote on the Wall Street Bailout (vote 213, 10/1/08) that she's attacking Charles Grassley for.


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