Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beautiful Sunday?

I'm surprised the Ragister is trickling out its endorsements this early, I thought that was a statewide Sunday paper sort of thing.

I haven't caught any comments on blogs about their endorsements.

It seems to me they'll have less effect, than the little they currently have, this way and the scientific community is united in that fact.

So far the Ragister's true to form as they've endorsed CONgressmen Bruce Braley and Dave No Sack...err Loebsack.

I expect they'll continue their endorsement of incumbents with Leonard BOZO-well and Tom Latham, but will support Matt Campbell over Steve King.

I'm torn, but I believe they'll pick Rozanne, err Taxanne Conlin over Chuck Grassley.

I think it's a sister thing for the women of the editorial board, even though Conlin's shown no improvement from the June primary when the Ragister backhandedly endorsed one of her opponents stating none is an especially impressive choice for the job of U.S. senator and We have reservations about all three candidates.

I have no doubt they'll support the Big Lug Nut over Terry Branstad because their coverage has been so over the top for Governor Culver.

Expect endorsements for Attorney General Tom Miller over Brenna Findley, Dave Vaudt for State Auditor over Jon Murphy, Secretary of State Michael Mauro over Matt Schultz, Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald instead of Dave Jamison and Bill Northey rather than Francis Thicke for Agriculture Secretary.

Not being one of the Mathletes, I have the Ragister supporting 3 Republicans and 9 Democrats.


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