Friday, November 05, 2010


Hugh Espey (isn't that a sports channel award?), has an opinion piece in the Ragister that states -- The Democrats lost, not because they were guilty of "liberal overreach" and did too much, but because they did not do enough.

The sad part, and the scientific community is united in that fact, is he's serious.

Espey is the executive director of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (ICCI, that's ICKY to us) and they say they have the data to prove it in my Senate District 37.

ICKY, err ICCI claims to have knocked on over 4,500 doors and talked to more than 2,000 voters. Folks overwhelmingly agreed with us on our core issues, and told us they were voting Republican - not because they supported the Republican agenda - but because they didn't feel Democrats were addressing bread and butter issues.

They didn't set foot on the Not So Vast Right Wing Ranch and their data is less than scientific in a district that had 27,873 votes cast.

The only part of his piece that's rooted in reality -- Dems deserved to lose.


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