Monday, December 13, 2010

Dear Dictator

Mike Gronstal made a couple of pages in Sunday's Ragister.

Iowa GOP agenda faces tough gatekeeper

In this puff type piece, we learned that Gronstal's tight with his own money, but not yours or mine.

Also, a daughter teaches argumentation at Eastern Illinois University.

That's a real class?


The Roses & Thistles section honored Gronstal this way

This dictator was elected, and we're glad

I'm thinking that's a typo and they're actually GLAAD.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

The Ragister must believe there are such things as benevolent dictators.

Hell, Robert Mugabe and Charles G. Taylor were elected and some of the highest recorded voter turnouts have come under dictators (Saddam Hussein claimed 100% participation).

I'm thinking Branstad might have been misquoted due to poor punctuation.

I'm betting he probably said, when asked about Gronstal, "He's a Dick, Tater".


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