
Iowa's junior Senator, CommieTommie Harkin, is trying to rile up the elderly while spreading lies about any possible government shutdown.
Harkin says GOP spending cuts will hit Main Street Iowa
Harkin said if a government shutdown did occur, Social Security and disability payments would stop, employees of the federal government wouldn’t be able to go to work, the Internal Revenue Service would halt, and there would be interruptions to veteran’s programs.
As the Liter noted earlier (Misinformation)...
Social Security checks would still go out.
The air traffic control system, food inspection, Medicare, veterans' health care and many other essential government programs would run as usual. The Social Security Administration would not only send out benefits but would continue to take applications. The Postal Service, which is self-funded, would keep delivering the mail. Federal courts would remain open.
Troops would remain at their posts.
And virtually every essential government agency, like the FBI, the Border Patrol and the Coast Guard, would remain open.
Here's more from CommieTommie --
“You’ve got some people on the House side...who are being totally unreasonable.”
Harkin added --
“I just don’t think I can support any kind of a bill that just makes spending cuts without also raising revenue...".
That's unreasonable and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Fine, if you want to raise revenue then let's sell $767 billion in land, $421 billion in “mineral rights” and $1.17 trillion in fixed reproducible capital (things like buildings and machinery) and $290 billion in inventory owned by the federal government.
Need more?
Selling off shares of General Motors could bring in an estimated $18 billion.
Then there's always the $100 billion and $200 billion in duplicative spending CONgress could clean up.
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