Slanted & Enchanted?

Just a couple of straight up news stories here and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Here's a headline from the Cedar Rapids Gazette --
Branstad on the stump in Hiawatha makes Iowa sound a bit like Wisconsin
How so?
The story mentions nothing about Wisconsin, or the collective bargaining bill that passed in the House.
Then there's this in the Mason City Globe Gazette --
Iowa House passes collective bargaining reform bill
Reporter Mike "None The" Wiser starts his story with this paragraph...
In a blatant show of the power of the majority, House Republicans pushed through a collective bargaining reform bill Friday over the noisy objections of Democrats.
Blatant show of power?
Quite the editorial comment.
After all the hours of debate in committee and on the House floor, it's hardly a blatant show of power.
Wiser-heimer continued...
The bill’s passage in the House on a party-line vote was a foregone conclusion, as is its predicted death in a Senate committee room.
Interesting how Republicans exhibit a blatant show of power and stubbornness, yet the autocratic rule of Dummycrat Mike Gronstal isn't questioned.
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