Friday, June 24, 2011

Dirty Laundry?

Iowas Newz Liter Breaking News Alert.

The News is BROKEN and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Poll: Voters think reporters are biased liberals

67% of likely U.S. voters believe that reporters try to bolster their preferred candidate when covering an election (see President Obama).

46% believe that the average reporter is more liberal than they are.

21% of respondents have faith that journalists are fair and balanced in their coverage (they must be watching FOX News).

18% find the fourth estate's political leanings to be more conservative than their own (members of the Nutroots Nation).

Mainstream voters are more than three times as likely as those in the Political Class to view the average reporter as more liberal than they are.

“Liberal” remains the most unpopular political label, while being called a “conservative” is a net plus for a candidate.


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