Thursday, June 02, 2011

Wedding Bell Blues?

Iowa Republicans for Freedom (IaRFF) held a press conference yesterday that looked like it had more press than people, especially one Ragister reporter (?) who was way too close for comfort and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Jeff Angelo is the esteemed leader of the group(?) who's goal is to build conservative support for same-sex marriage in Iowa.

Supporting IaRFF, out of the chute, are One Iowa, the state’s largest gay and lesbian rights organization and Ames Dummycrat State Senator Herman Quirmbach.

That doesn't have a very Republican, or very Conservative feel to it.

Angelo said --"this debate really centers around one idea: whether government has the right to say whom a person should love and marry."

Government doesn't tell you who you SHOULD marry, but it still tells you who you SHALL NOT marry.

It's illegal to marry for the sole purpose of citizenship.

Bigamy and Polygamy remain illegal.

Marriage among immediate family is forbidden.

We don't allow children to marry each other (Dragging The Line), or an adult to marry a child under a certain age.

Angelo continued -- "As a proud conservative, I believe in smaller, limited government, and that government should have no more of a right to say whom I can marry than they should be able to tell my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters whom they can marry.”

I'm confused, Why is this an issue in Iowa?

The government, in the entity of the Iowa Supreme Court, ruled in 2009 on gay marriage.

Is Angelo wanting to marry his gay brothers and sisters?

Or does he not support the Court's decision?

Will IaRFF support Bigamy? Polygamy? Incest? Bestiality?


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