Kick Him When He's Down

Occupy Iowa/Des Moines reached a new low, even for these scumbags and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Neighbors: Occupy Protesters Took Evicted Man's Belongings
They don't care who they steal from, they just want something for nothing.
I do love how Chris Christie handled these societal misfits when they interrupted his speech for Mitt Romney on Wednesday.
“You’re so angry, aren’t you? Work it all out. Work it all out for yourselves.”
Christie continued
“Where was I before I was so New Jersey-ly interrupted?”
Then Christie hit the nail on the head
“Let’s talk about these folks for a second … their anger is rooted not in me or in Mitt Romney, their anger is rooted in the fact that they believed in this hope and change garbage that they were sold three years ago by this president”.
"They represent an anger in our country that Barack Obama has caused. Because he's a cynical, Chicago ward politician who runs for office and promises everything and then comes to office and disappoints."
“Now they are angry but they’re not mature enough to know they should be angry with themselves”.
He also had shared something that Republicans should take to heart --
"If you're looking for the candidate who agrees with you on everything, buy a mirror. What we need to be concerned about is not about being Republicans first, but being Americans first. It's up to us to save our country, and it starts in Iowa."
I just wish Christie would take that last part to heart by putting America first and running for President to save our country.
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