Thursday, April 19, 2012


If I was President Obama, I'd be worried about what's wrong with my campaign staffers.

In Des Moines, Iowa communications director, Erin Seidler, put out a memo stating --

You can see from the pictures below, even at the height of the Iowa caucuses, the Romney campaign can’t compete with the organization we are building in the state now”.

As we noted last month (Winning?), when the Obama-mites opened shop in the onetime Blockbuster Video location, that Obama was coming in second to Mitt Romney.

Seidler (pictured) must not be feeling good about her, or her bosses future, as she has lined up a gig four days after the election.

On November 10, Seidler will act as a guide for building support for the arts and entertainment industry with strategic communication and grassroots efforts.

Given the campaigns Seidler's previously associated herself with, the Big Lug Nut and Becky Greenwald, I can see why she's already got a contingency plan and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Nationally, Obama's campaign staffers are seeing things -- in beer.

Obama staffers marveled recently at what they saw as a "good omen" for the president's re-election, in the foam of their half-empty pint of beer.


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