Saturday, April 14, 2012

Not Fair

I should not have a higher tax rate (25%) than the President of the United States (20.5%) or the Vice President (23.2%).

Obama's joint income is about $700,000 higher than the joint income at the Not So Vast Right Wing Ranch and Biden's is almost $300,00 more.

A majority of their income is derived from sucking the tit of the taxpayer.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

This week, knowing what his returns would show, Obama had the audacity to deride those who take advantage of loopholes and shelters all the while doing so himself (Obama Family Tax Shelter).

Obama's so called Buffett Rule would only apply to 22,000 wealthy household, but I don't have a gripe with them as long as it doesn't involve ill gotten gains.

Besides, those wealthy households — the fewer than 0.5 percent of Americans with annual incomes exceeding $1 million and tax rates of under 30 percent — could take advantage of tax-free investments such as municipal bonds to escape the Buffett rule's bite.

Just give up the gimmick Obama and Biden, lead by example, do the right thing and pay your fair share.


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