Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Responsible Citizen?

In their story about Mitt Romney's surrogates taking part in an Iowa bus tour, the Ragister included commentary from Obama’s Iowa campaign communications director, Erin Seidler.

“The fact is that President Obama is committed to creating middle class security by investing in education and innovation to help our economy grow, while responsibly balancing the budget”.

Someone needs to look up the meaning of the word responsible and the scientific community is united in that fact.

For the country to have a balanced budget, its spending must match its revenue.

By the end of the third quarter of fiscal 2012, the new debt accumulated in this fiscal year by the federal government had already exceeded $1 trillion, making this fiscal year the fifth straight in which the federal government has increased its debt by more than a trillion dollars

Although he has served less than a term, Obama is now the first American president to see the federal government's debt increase by more than $5 trillion during his time in office.

Responsible -- Having the means to pay debts or fulfill obligations.


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