Thursday, August 23, 2012

Doth I Protest Too Much?

A gathering of 25 to 30 Dummycrats, Unionists and assorted other Fiberals gathered in Bettendorf to protest Mitt Romney's appearance.

Most of the Unionists were probably on union paid time to be there, which accounts for the low turnout, as unions can't afford it.

Since Obama took office, the numbers for union membership have shrunk. Nationally between 2008 and 2011, public and private union membership dropped by 3.3 percent. The numbers in the Midwest are more dramatic: a 14.5 percent slide in Wisconsin, 13.9 percent in Indiana, 12.9 in Michigan, 9.7 in Ohio, 8.1 in Pennsylvania, and 6.7 in Illinois, according to

Sue Dvorsky, Iowa Democratic Party Chairwoman, vowed to discuss the jobs and economy with Republicans every time there’s a Romney campaign event in Iowa.

It's obvious that jobs and the economy suck so bad under President Obama he doesn't want to talk about it and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Our pal Charlie Wishman (pictured below) was there and said -- Working men and women would suffer in a Romney presidency. He noted that President Barack Obama’s agenda would benefit the U.S., but he is too often blocked by the “obstructionist Congress.”

He must have been referring to the DO NOTHING DUMMYCRATS who control the Senate and are shirking their responsibility to pass a budget for three straight years in violation of federal law.


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