Monday, August 27, 2012


One can certainly tell it's not 2008 anymore, as tickets to President Obama's Iowa State visit are still being handed out today for tomorrows visit.

This is the third day of distribution for two Ames locations, at the ISU Memorial Union or the Organizing for America Ames office, as they began giving them away on Saturday and continued on Sunday.

Hardly a golden ticket.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

ISU College Dummycrats claim -- “There’s a lot of excitement”, but the Ames Tribune reported many students, who will vote for the first time this November, seemed less than enthused about Obama’s upcoming visit when asked about whether they plan to attend.

In the three years under Obama, young Americans suffered a steeper hit than the average American, with those under 25 seeing a 6.1 percent drop in median income and those in the 25-34 bracket suffering an 8.9 perpercent drop.

That should equate to zero enthusiasm for Obama period.


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