Thursday, October 18, 2012

Raw Deal

Is what America's gotten from Obama, according to John Sununu, and was in reply to what the President labeled Mitt Romney's Sketchy Deal.

 In an appearance at Cornell College in Mount Vernon Iowa, onetime home of CONgressman Dave No Sack...err Loebsack, Obama said, when young women graduate, they should get equal pay for equal work.

Unless of course you work for Barack Obama and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Women made, on average, $6,000 less working for United States Senator Barack Obama and are paid about 18 percent less by President Obama.

Rachel Cowell introduced Obama and said, We have to step up today … stand up and raise our voices for Iowa values.

According to Cowell's Facebook page, she is from Madison, Wisconsin which has nothing like the Iowa values I grew up with.

Another brilliant Obama voter, Chicago resident David Elston, said this -- I’ve never seen him before even though he’s my state senator

Obama was an Illinois State Senator from 1997-2004.


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