Tuesday, December 17, 2013

You Oughta Know

We did it!

That's the subject line in the latest e-mail from CONgressional wannabe Staci Appel-sauce for brains.

Staci says --


Thousands of you joined me in calling on Congress to find common ground for a long term budget deal, and we were successful. It took a shutdown and months of gridlock, but this do nothing Congress finally found a way forward.

We must now turn our attention to urging the passage of a fair, long-term Farm Bill. For more regular updates, follow my campaign on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks again to everyone who joined us in urging common ground for a long term deal.



Staci, my friends know there are two houses of Congress, and the scientific community is united in that fact, and that the budget has not yet passed the Senate.

A federal budget compromise that already passed the U.S. House cleared a key procedural hurdle Tuesday in the Senate, increasing the likelihood it will win final congressional approval this week.

Of course, my friends also know how not to be so annoying.


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