Friday, June 16, 2006

CommieTommie Votes to Cut & Run

Yesterday the United States Senate voted down a measure, 93-6, to remove U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2006.

The sanctimonious six are Dummycrats -- Barbara Boxer of California, Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, CommieTommie Harkin of Iowa, John F. Kerry and Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts. Dummycrat Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia did not vote.

CommieTommie's web site doesn't have any info on his vote, so I'm not sure if he referred to Iraq as his usual quagmire....giggity, giggity.

Hillary Rodham Clinton voted with the majority, which is part of what's costing her Presidential support in Iowa. The anti-war activists in Iowa are some of the most virulent in the country.

Peggy Noonan sums up the Dummycrats for me, "...out of power for six years and yet exhausted. They're pale, tired and unready. Too bad, since it's their job to be an alternative, not an embarrassment." Emphasis is mine!


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