I proved it, but I'm STUNNED they admitted it!

USA Today, owned by the same company that owns the Ragister, admitted it couldn't prove key elements of its May 11, "NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls" story.
Here's what I wrote on May 17 (Everybody's Right & Wrong at the same time)....
The writers of the story keep referring to phone call records, but their anonymous sources state that, "Customers' names, street addresses and other personal information are not being handed over as part of NSA's domestic program.....
The USA Today article also states that, "The agency today is considered expert in the practice of "data mining" — sifting through reams of information in search of patterns. Data mining is just one of many tools NSA analysts and mathematicians use to crack codes and track international communications.
Paul Butler, a former U.S. prosecutor who specialized in terrorism crimes, said FISA approval generally isn't necessary for government data-mining operations. "FISA does not prohibit the government from doing data mining,".....
The problem is the mainstream media need for a conspiracy when there isn't one, and politicians without backbone who keep focusing on the wrong aspect of the story. They see illegal wiretapping and privacy invasions when the reality is it's legal data-mining of telephone numbers.
If the media wasn't so focused on their agenda they could avoid a lot of the attacks that they bring unto themselves!
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