Creative Visions? More like Creative Fiction

An audit by the City of Des Moines has found that the Ako for profit agency(he's paid $70,000 a year), Creative Visions is unable to produce client files for nearly half of those they say they've helped in the past two years.
It comes as no surprise to me, that's why I wrote on August 1 that "Ako is not A-OK".
The Creative Visions web site ( says it has served anywhere from a "staggering 1,200" to a "staggering 2,000 plus individuals" in their nearly 10 years. They also claim to have "placed 413 in legitimate jobs".
Now a former employee, I'm sure disgruntled, has said that Creative Visions provided false files over the past years.
Creative Visions budget for last year was $576,000 of that $241,600 was federal grant money administered by Des Moines.
Ako has acknowledged problems with his record keeping, but believes miscommunication between his staff and city officials is the real problem.
Ako says, "This gives individuals a chance to take potshots at me".
He needs to put the blame on the man in the mirror.
He served on the CIETC board and he heads this agency. I wonder what kind of real damage he did on the Des Moines School Board. Ako is currently running as a Dummycrat for the Iowa House of Representatives District 66.
Per Ako, on his web site, "In Iowa, it not only matters what you do, but how you do it".
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