Mitt takes off the glove against Kerry

Senator John "Flipper" Kerry(D-MA) was crying on a conference call with reporters about Osama bin Laden still being at large and "Afghanistan and Pakistan are where the fight against Al Qaeda is, not in Iraq."
Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) put him in his place on MSNBC, saying the senator failed to recognize that the United States is locked in a long-term war against terrorists and that Iraq is a central front.
"I think it shows a complete lack of understanding of the kind of enemy that we're facing. This is not a small group of wackos in the hills that all we have to do is go find one person and it suddenly goes away."
Our own CommieTommieHarkin was seen crying on WHO TV/13, "Our homeland security has gone overboard. I mean you can't take lipstick on a plane. You can't take a small bottle of perfume on plane. There has to be rationality to this."We're dealing with terrorists who can fathom flying planes into buildings, shoe bombs and liquid bombs on planes. CommieTommie wants rationality!
How do you feel about PROFILING, Senator? TOO RATIONAL for you?
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