Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Legends in their minds

Via the Drudge Report...

As George W Bush joined the last daily breifing in the WH press room which will undergo a nine month renovation, he spent a moment to take some questions.

At that time, a reporter shouted:

"Mr President, should Mel Gibson be forgiven?"

The President laughed and looked into the audience to see who shouted the remark:

"I can't hear you," he said. "I'm over 60...

"Sam Donaldson, is that you? I don't have to talk to you anymore, you're a has been."

First, there was laughter, then silence.

But, in the end, Bush did not respond to the former ABC News anchor's comments.

The President has it right. The Mainstream Media are a bunch of "has beens, never were's and ya I coulda been bad".


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