Shudder at the thought

The National Association of Manufacturers has a web site that shows what a Dummycrat controlled Congress would look like.
Majority Leader: Harry Reid of Nevada
Majority Whip: Richard J. Durbin of Illinois
Appropriations: Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia
Armed Services: Carl Levin of Michigan
Budget: Kent Conrad of North Dakota
Finance: Max Baucus of Montana
Foreign Relations: Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions: Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts
Homeland Security: Joe Lieberman of Connecticut (Probably)
Judiciary: Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont
Rules and Administration: Dianne Feinstein of California
Small Business and Entrepreneurship: John Kerry of Massachusetts
Speaker: Nancy Pelosi of California
Majority Whip: Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland
Appropriations: David R. Obey of Wisconsin
Armed Services: Ike Skelton of Missouri
Budget: John M. Spratt Jr. of South Carolina
Education and the Workforce: George Miller of California
Energy and Commerce: John D. Dingell of Michigan
Financial Services: Barney Frank of Massachusetts
Government Reform: Henry A. Waxman of California
International Relations: Tom Lantos of California
Judiciary: John Conyers Jr. of Michigan
Ways and Means: Charles B. Rangel of New York
You also have to include our own CommieTommie Harkin as head of the Agriculture committe. The House list would likely change as "Cut & Run" Murtha has expressed interest in the Majority Whip position. is the web site and also includes voting-record ratings for all of those Dummycrats, compared with their Republican counterparts.
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan...We need more Dummycrats in Congress--like Custer needed more arrows.
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