Dummycrat Demagoguery

It was an October Monday 2004 in Newton, Iowa when John Edwards first professed that Dummycrats have the power to HEAL!
"If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk, get up out of that wheelchair and walk again."
This week Dummycrats have been at it again.
Representative Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD) is running for the U.S. Senate and told a group of 15 people at a Cancer Support Center.... "We are going to lick cancer by 2015."
Not to be outdone, Leonard BOZO-well told a gathering of a similar size at the Iowa State Fair...
"Scientists and the research community - they are unanimous in this ... they think they are just on the brink to do something for that, for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and a whole bunch of others. Why wouldn't we do that?"
He came to his brilliantly spoken conclusion watching a little girl's battle with juvenile diabetes and a childhood friend's paralysis. BOZO-well says that helped shape his support for stem cell research in hopes of finding a medical cure for such ailments.
First: Scientists and researchers are never UNANIMOUS on ANYTHING! Here's proof BOZO-well is wrong. Ronald D.G. McKay, a stem cell researcher at the National Institute of Health (NIH), has admitted publicly that stem cells as an Alzheimer's cure are a fiction, but that "people need a fairy tale."
Second: Charles Krauthammer, well known political commentator, is also an M.D. and has been paralyzed since 1972 says...."For 30 years I have heard promises of miracle cures for paralysis.
The last fad, fetal tissue transplants, was thought to be a sure thing. Nothing came of it."
Finally: George Bush is the first president to approve federal funding for stem cell research. There are lines of stem cells now available. There is no ban, President Bush vetoed expanding federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. If embryonic stem cell research was so promising it would attract private investment, like Adult stem cell research.
Dummycrats and the media can't be bothered with facts!
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