Consider the Source

Dummycrat Polk County Auditor/Commissioner of Elections Michael Mauro was really reaching when he chose the Editorial Board of the Ragister to defend his reputation from his Republican opponent for Secretary of State, Mary Ann Hanusa.
Here's what Hanusa said..."I have a record of public service. ... My record of public service is marked by honesty, integrity and credibility. Yes, Mr. Mauro has experience as Polk County auditor, but I also think his experience has been marred by a series of investigations and ethical questions, which should trouble any Iowans, especially for someone who is trying to secure the top position for shepherding Iowa's elections."
Ms. Hanusa was referring to a 1998 investigation the U.S. Attorneys Office opened regarding voter fraud in Michael's brother John's primary defeat of Gene Phillips. Phillips then ran as an Independent and defeated the incumbent, John Mauro, in the general election for County Supervisor.
Michael Mauro's rebuttal to Hanusa was..."While I was running what The Des Moines Register Editorial Board referred to as a 'pristine office,' my opponent was working for an administration mired in scandals."
HA! There's the CHUCKLE! The Ragister likes me. They really, really like me! Find me a Dummycrat they don't love.
Mauro, pictured small because he comes across as small & petty, mentioned that everyone involved in the voting fraud investigation was cleared in the probe.
Just because a Grand Jury declined to indict anyone doesn't mean you were cleared, or you're innocent O.J.!
Oh, The administration mired in scandals? Ms. Hanusa was Director of President Bush's personal correspondence and resigned to run against Mauro.
Still not sure what "scandals" he's citing, but if anyone knows scandalous behavior it's Mauro....
Mauro's brother John was on the Board of Director's of CIETC.
Ramona Cunningham, former CIETC Head Skank, contributed $300 to Michael Mauro's campaign for Secretary of State.
Cunningham's daughter, Ruth Shepard, is employed in Michael Mauro's Polk County Election Office.
Michael Mauro's son, Steve, works for CIETC and received a $10,000 bonus.
Victor Scaglione used to work in Michael Mauro's Polk County Election office, but left to work for CIETC where he received a $5,000 bonus.
Talk about Muck & Mire for hire!
That's a guy I want running elections in Iowa! Tom Vilsack and the Dummycrats do.
They have three political action committees, one of which is Vilsack's Heartland Pac, spotlighting secretary of state candidates in Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada and Ohio.
Secretaries of State control most voting regulations and influence state purchases of voting machines and the Dummycrats want the White House in 2008.
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