Thursday, September 28, 2006

'08 Republicans

For a few months I've been searching for who I think should be the nominee in 2008.

I remember in April watching Senator George Allen stumble in a speech to a group of Republicans in South Carolina and thinking I couldn't get on that bandwagon.

Recently I had been discussing '08 with my friend Cal and told him I was giving Mitt Romney consideration.

Thanks to my lovely wife, I was fortunate to attend Governor Mitt Romney's speech at The Principal yesterday.

He spent the first few minutes talking about his background as a venture capitalist, head of the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Games and Governor of Massachusetts.

He then addressed his outline for America's future and I agree with Governor Romney on the 5 issues facing our country:

Defeating the Jihadists

Raising the Bar on Education-stressing our need to compete with Asia.

Stopping Runaway Spending

Achieving Energy Independence-He's for drilling at ANWAR and off the Gulf Coast.

Affirming America’s Culture and Values.

He also did a nice job handling questions, at one point correcting a woman who said the Department of Defense takes over 50% of the budget and pointing out that he would not cut the Pentagon's budget, but spend wisely.

We sat in the front row and Governor Romney came down and shook our hands afterwards.

I have to admit I'm feeling ambivalent towards him personally. He just came across as too polished and slick. I guess I'm looking for someone I can connect with, like I did with George W. Bush.

I know I can connect with Mayor Rudy Giuliani, maybe it's a DAGO thing, he is passionate.

He also comes across Presidential when he does things like this...

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani characterized Bill and Hillary Clinton's recent criticism of President Bush's efforts to stop Osama bin Laden before 9/11 as a "mistake" and said it's time to "stop this blame thing" over who is responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks.

The real fault for 9/11, Giuliani says, lies squarely with the Islamic terrorists.

"Americans didn't do Sept. 11, the Islamic terrorists did."

"...Islamic fanatics who came here and killed us and want to come here and do it again".

It's a good thing time is on my side.


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