Saturday, September 23, 2006

Fact vs. Fiction

Bubba blew up in an interview with FOX News Channel's Chris Wallace, airing tomorrow on 'Fox News Sunday'.

Wallace irked BillyBob, by asking if he had done enough on his watch to hunt for Osama bin Laden.

"But at least I tried. That's the difference in me and some, including all of the right-wingers who are attacking me now. They had eight months to try, they did not try. I tried. So I tried and failed."

FACT: Clinton turned down Sudan's offer to hand over bin Laden in 1996.

Refusing the offer because, according to Bill in taped remarks February 15, 2002,
"(bin Laden) had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him."

Bubba did lob a few cruise missiles into a tent in Afghanistan in August 1988.

I believe that's why President Bush wanted to do more after 9-11 than lob a few missiles into a camel's ass.

Further from the FOX/Wallace interview....

"I authorized the CIA to get groups together to try to kill him," Clinton said. He added he had drawn up plans to go into Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban and launch an attack against bin Laden after the attack on the Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden.

"Now if you want to criticize me for one thing, you can criticize me for this: after the Cole, I had battle plans drawn to go into Afghanistan, overthrow the Taliban and launch a full-scale attack search for bin Laden. But we needed basing rights in Uzbekistan -- which we got after 9/11."

The former president complained the CIA and FBI refused to certify bin Laden was responsible for the USS Cole attack.

"While I was there, they refused to certify. So that meant I would have had to send a few hundred special forces in helicopters, refuel at night."

FACT: Per 'Losing Bin Laden' by Rich Miniter, here's what top Clinton officials thought about the USS Cole incident.
  • Attorney General Janet Reno "thought retaliation might violate international law and was therefore against it."

  • CIA Director George Tenet "wanted more definitive proof that bin Laden was behind the attack, although he personally thought he was."

  • Secretary of State Madeleine Albright "was concerned about the reaction of world opinion to a retaliation against Muslims and the impact it would have in the final days of the Clinton Middle East peace process."

  • Secretary of Defense William Cohen "did not consider the Cole attack 'sufficient provocation' for a military retaliation."

  • Bubba and the Dummycrats have been trying to rewrite history since he left office.

    If his friends Hollywood friends Harry Thomason & Linda Bloodworth-Thomason are involved you know the mission is to make President Bush, 'The Fall Guy'.


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