Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sexual Healing?

Fox News flubbed when they ran this banner under a picture of FORMER Republican Congressman Tom Foley.

I can understand the confusion, it's usually DUMMYCRATS involved in SEX SCANDALS!

I'm weary of Hypocritical Dummycrats who give free passes to other Dummies, because IT'S JUST SEX!

Please your FAUX-rage is INSULTING!!

Especially YOU CommieTommie Harkin!

Here's what the Commie told the Ragister about the Foley scandal....

he supports a full investigation by the Department of Justice.

"But the Republican leadership bears some blame for failing to take stronger steps when it appears they knew long ago about Foley's shameful behavior.

"Rather than taking stern action against Foley and protecting the pages that work in Congress, the Republican leadership instead chose to ignore it, hoping the problem would go away.

CommieTommie was a member of the Dummycrat controlled House of Representatives when Gerry Studds (D-MA) propositioned 3 male teenage pages and had sex with one 17 year old page.

Studds was later censured by the House, there's a serious rebuke, and turned his back as the censure was being read.

CommieTommie where are your hands in the picture?

Where are you tickling Elmo?

Are you molesting Muppets?


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