Tuesday, December 05, 2006

She's no F.D.R.

I came across this in The Washington Times/Inside Politics column...

Pelosi's 'hours'
"Here's a question: When House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi talks about what Democrats plan to accomplish in the first 100 hours when Congress convenes in January, does she mean 100 consecutive hours, as in, say, from a Monday at 10 a.m. until Friday at 2 p.m., or does she mean something else?" Byron York writes at National Review Online (www. nationalreview.com).
"The answer is something else. Pelosi plans to enact the Democrats' 'Six for '06' agenda in 100 legislative hours -- not real hours. And a legislative hour is not just any hour that the House is open for business. 'It's when the House convenes, after the one-minutes and before the special orders,' says Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly, referring to the times of day when members of Congress will sometimes drone on about any issue that comes to mind. At that pace, Daly says, the first 100 hours 'could take a couple of weeks.'
"Or maybe longer. 'We don't really have a term legislative hours,' says a top Republican House aide. Depending how that is defined, 'it could last for several weeks.' "

That's just like a politician, full of double speak and never really meaning what they say.

At least with F.D.R. 100 days was 100 days and that's been the standard President's have been measured against since.

What kind of example is granny setting for the children?!


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