Thursday, January 04, 2007

La La Pa-Loser Tour Begins

The Dummycrats today take control of Congress.

The Tax Wo-Man(come on she looks like a guy in drag in this picture) promises to "drain the swamp" in the first 100 hours, or however long that really is.

Per the San Francisco Chronicle...The House meets at noon to elect Pelosi in a formal process expected to take several hours.

Several Hours? That's government efficiency for you!

After the coronation comes the gala for the Dummycratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

People will pay $1,000 per ticket, $15,000 per political action committee, to be entertained by; Warren Beatty, Annette Benning, Ben Affleck, Amy Brenneman, Richard Gere, Carole King, Wyclef Jean, Tony Bennett and the House Band that features Mickey Hart and Bruce Hornsby.

The festivities that began Wednesday with a mass and afternoon tea where Pa-Loser said, "We've waited over 200 years for this time, America's working women, women working at home, whatever they choose to do, they have a friend in the Capitol of the United States."

With a friend like this...?

On Friday the Speaker will host a "People's House" event in the Cannon Caucus Room across from the Capitol.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle...She'll spend an hour or two meeting and greeting anyone who wants to line up to say hello.

No mention of the cost for the price of admission.

Dummycrats deny the celebration is over the top..."We've eaten so much crow over the last 12 years I have no problem with popping the champagne...."Donna Brazile, Dummycrat strategist.

A popular button being worn was, Rosie the Riveter with Pelosi's face superimposed, with pearl earrings, above the slogan: "A woman's place is in the House ... as Speaker."

A woman disrupted the House yesterday, Cindy Sheehan drowned out the press conference of Rahm Emanuel (D/IL) with chants out of the '60s..."de-escalate, investigate, troops home now".

Emanuel and the rest of the flustered lawmakers retreated to a room behind closed doors, and surrendered the field to Mrs. Sheehan.

Butch up Boys! Maybe this link will

Grow some gonads or at least see if the Speaker will let you borrow her balls!

What a long strange trip it will be as the House gavel is now, per Mother Pelosi, in"the hands of America's children."

Couldn't have put it better myself!


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