Wednesday, December 27, 2006

No Longer "Living In America"

Subtitled....I Don't Feel So Good or Papa's Got A Brand New Body Bag.

I try to be the person I should be, not the person I am. However, every once in a while it rears its ugly head.

Such is the case with the death of James Brown and to a lesser extent the passing of Gerald Ford.

How ironic that two people parodied on Saturday Night Live would die within a day of each other.

I always thought the Chevy Chase as a stumbling, bumbling Ford was over the top.

It was enhanced by a press that had turned mean after their feeding frenzy that brought down Richard Nixon.

Sure Ford bumbled, like when he was in Ames at I.S.U. and said it was great to be in Ohio.

As someone who hurt his knee playing football and would stumble down the stairs, I could empathize with the President when he tumbled down the stairs of Air Force One.

Gerald Ford was a nice man. The first unelected Vice President and President.

He was the first man I ever voted for as President, having turned 18 in 1976, although I had wanted Ronald Reagan to get the Republican nomination.

He did a better job than his "elected" successor Jimmy Carter and his pardoning of Nixon was the right thing to do, even though that's what cost him the election.

Celebrity Hot Tub featured Eddie Murphy as James Brown.

Too Hot, in the Hot Tub!

Loved the music, not so much the man.

President Gerald Ford.

"Godfather" James Brown.

Two legends from when it was a Man's, Man's, Man's World.

Now, I have to go make amends....somehow!


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