Sunday, February 11, 2007

Soft on Crime

No surprise that the Ragister, led by William Petroski's writings over the last couple of years, and Dummycrats are soft on crime.

Lawmakers: Are sentences too harsh?

They're making it appear Iowa is being too harsh because in 10 years, 1996-2006, the prison population increased by 2,482 inmates.

They go on to predict that in another 10 years it could increase by a whopping 2,722.

In an average year 248 scumbags go to prison, and that will increase to 272 scumbags.

Sing it Sammy..."Don't do the crime if you can't do the time...Yeah, DON'T DO IT!"

The article spotlights two convicts, male and female.

The female convict is 48 and was paroled after serving the least amount of time, 4 years and 8 months, for dealing meth and other drugs.

It isn't until later in the article that you find out the lady(?) was involved in drugs since high school AND she had already received PROBATION for having marijuana, meth and amphetamine's in her residence.

She admitted she had been dealing for two years prior to being caught.

Already coddled by the system and not smart enough to be scared straight this woman said her prison stay made her a better person, but her time was excessive and she should have been sprung two years early.

It's time for the world's tiniest violin to play Joe Cocker's, CRY ME A RIVER!

What a concept, why don't we let the criminals decide their punishment?

There wouldn't be any because there are no guilty people in prison, ask 'em!

The man previewed is 40 and still behind bars. He has served 8 years of a 50 year sentence for manufacturing meth.

The man's mother admits going to prison saved her son's life.

So the article really contradicts itself.

Johnie Hammond serves on the Iowa Board of Corrections, and once was an elected Dummycrat representative from the Union of Socialist Story County.

She believes..."Mandatory sentencing is doing an awful lot to increase the population of our prisons unnecessarily..."

It can't be those morons who actually do the crime, wouldn't want them to take responsibility for their CRIMINAL ACTIONS!

Dummycrat Mike Gronstal, Majority Leader of the Iowa Senate, wants to take a fresh look at our criminal sentencing laws.

Republicans have toughened the state's criminal in the recent past.

Gronstal doesn't believe those changes have been effective, saying..."While it sounds good, in certain cases it, in fact, provides less public safety because you are spending your time and energy locking up somebody who is less of a threat to the public than somebody else might be."

Show me facts and figures to support that, don't just spout the party line COMRADE!

Dummycrats control the Governorship and the Legislature, look for a diluting of law and further coddling of criminals.


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