And he was WRONG

On Friday CommieTommie Harkin told the Ragister...
The U.S. Senate probably will vote next week to tell President Bush it disagrees with his addition of troops to Iraq...
The Iowa Democrat said he would prefer a stronger resolution than the one offered by Sen. John Warner, R-Va.
But Harkin noted that under Senate rules, controversial measures need to attract 60 votes to cut off debate.
"This might be the best we can hope for," he said during a meeting with Des Moines Register editors and reporters.
Let's go to the headlines....
Senate votes not to debate Iraq proposal
Now for the rest of the story...
A bipartisan resolution repudiating President George W. Bush's decision to send 21,500 more troops to Iraq failed to advance in the U.S. Senate on Monday, dealing a serious setback to critics of the war.The resolution needed 60 votes before the 100-member Senate could begin debate, but it got 49, with 47 voting against.
How can that be?
CommieTommie told us it would pass and that it didn't need 60 votes for cloture because it wasn't controversial!
As a member of the majority party, isn't CommieTommie in tune with Washington?
Here's the biggest bs that came from his Ragister interview...
Like all of Iowa's members of Congress, Harkin voted in 2002 to give Bush the authority to go to war with Iraq...
Harkin said he thought Bush would use the authority as a threat to force Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein into allowing arms inspectors to re-enter Iraq. Instead, the president rushed into an invasion, Harkin said.
The idiot Iowans who vote for you might believe your revisionist history, but you demean those of us that use our heads as something other than a place to put a hat!
Every member of Congress knew exactly what they were voting on!
CommieTommie Harkin is pictured two other times he's been wrong.
With Ramona Cunningham, of CIETC fame, at the 2004 dedication of their Tom Harkin Learning Center and endorsing Howard Dean for President...HYAH!
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