Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Voting Discrimination

I said yesterday (Recount! ReVote!)
that I didn't believe Al Gore won an Oscar.

The truth is now trickling out courtesy of the New York Daily News...

"There are three categories in the Oscar voting that require a special ballot.

To vote for foreign, short film or documentary, you have to sign an affidavit that you have seen all the nominees."

it's not enough to watch them at home on a dvd - Academy members have to attend an official screening.

There you have it, an unfair requirement imposed by the man in an obvious attempt to discourage voter turnout!

..fewer than 300 people requested the special ballot in the documentary category, which was won by Al Gore's "An inconvenient Truth"Sunday. But even that number is about 100 more than usual.

An Academy rep confirms that of its 5,800 voting members, only about 200 typically file a ballot in the category.

That's an overvote in the huge undervote and quite the conundrum!

I say send it to the Supreme's or am I being a SORE LOSERMAN?


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