Don't hate her because she's beautiful....HA!

Per Professor and Author Susan J. Douglas there are so many other reasons reasons, especially for women.
We sat around the dinner table, a group of 50-something progressive feminists, talking to a friend from England about presidential politics.
We were all for Hillary, weren’t we, he asked.
We hated Hillary.
...According to a Harris poll in March, 52 percent of married women said they would not vote for her.
Nearly half of adults say they dislike her personality and her politics.
...people seem to find her cold and don’t see her connecting with everyday people, and this is especially true for married women.
...Women don’t trust Hillary. They see her as an opportunist; many feel betrayed by her.
...Hillary...seems to want to be more like a man in her demeanor and politics, makes few concessions to the social demands of femininity, and yet seems to be only a partial feminist. She seems above us, exempting herself from compromises women have to make every day, while, at the same time, leaving some of the basic tenets of feminism in the dust. We are sold out on both counts.
Opportunist? I'm stunned!
Like how she's dropped the Rodham from her name, again.
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has dropped the use of her maiden name "Rodham" in her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Clinton identifies herself as "Hillary Clinton" in her campaign press releases and on her campaign website. The lone mention of her maiden name is in a campaign biography that says "Hillary's father, Hugh Rodham, was the son of a factory worker from Scranton."
She continues to use "Hillary Rodham Clinton" in her New York-focused press releases and in the Senate.
Clinton appeared surprised last week when asked why her presidential campaign had dropped her maiden name. Clinton laughed, shook her head and replied: "I haven't, I haven't."It appears likewise and the scientific community is united in that fact.
The previous times she's dropped Rodham were when Bubba made a comeback for Governor and his 1992 Presidential campaign.
Writing of Bubba and Hillarity reminded me of this quote...
"When I walk into the Oval Office in 2009, I'm afraid I'm going to lift up the rug and see so much stuff under there."
I know the love ick can go everywhere, but I'm certain the place has been cleaned several times over after Bubba and the big girl.
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