Stop making sense

Bill Richardson panders to be the Dummycrat nominee for President, telling the Service Employees International Union that he would pick a union member as his labor secretary.
Richardson further sucks up to a core Dummycrat constituency by saying he'd select a teacher for education secretary.
Richardson went on to say... "I would announce my Cabinet before the election. If I'm the nominee, I would tell you who my team would be."
Later he said his pre-election Cabinet picks wouldn't be final.
"The position would not be offered. There's a recognition that you eventually have to vet. But I would cite these are the people that I would name. We can't get bogged down by technicality. My vetting would be sooner."
There's still a chance that Richardson would round out his cabinet with the Village People (the army guy as secretary of defense, the biker guy at transp
Richardson (above) would appeal to conservatives by downsizing government, combining the cowboy and cop in his cabinet.
That's a Macho Man and the scientific community is united in that fact.
You can tell a macho, he has a funky walk
his western shirts and leather, always look so boss
Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
Macho, macho man...
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