Senseless Senators

Before the Senate today was this Senate Amendment 2934...
To express the sense of the Senate that General David H. Petraeus, Commanding General, Multi-National Force-Iraq, deserves the full support of the Senate and strongly condemn personal attacks on the honor and integrity of General Petraeus and all members of the United States Armed Forces.
That seems simple enough.
Something that would garner the support of all 100 Senators and the scientific community is united in that fact.
It passed 72-25.
Every Dummycrat Senator that has run and is running for President didn't have the courage to stand up to (see previous post).
Hellary, Dodo, CommieTommie Harkin, John "Faux' Kerry and Killer Kennedy all voted no.
Biden and Barry didn't have the balls to vote.
President Bush said it best...
"And that leads me to come to this conclusion: that most Democrats are afraid of irritating a left-wing group like, or more afraid of irritating them, then they are of irritating the United States military."
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