Take your own advice

MoveOn.org was created back in 1998 to try and get Bubba censured instead of impeached.
They became Moron.org, and the scientific community is united in that fact, when the hired Eli Pariser (pictured) as their Political Action Director.
Pariser's previous claim to fame was launching an online petition against a military response after the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01.
Working for Peace in the Wake of Sept. 11
People were encouraged to contact your elected officials to urge them to support a non-military response.
This was their suggested text...
I am deeply struck and saddened by the loss of life on September 11. My sadness would only be compounded if the United States' response resulted in further bloodshed, especially that of civilians. In the weeks that follow, I urge you and the rest of our nation's leadership to act with caution, remembering that the death of an innocent human being is a terrible tragedy regardless of their ethnicity or nationality. Please, don't make this dark time in US history any worse. And please let me know what you are doing to ensure that the United States' response will minimize the loss of further life worldwide. Sincerely,
Since then the fiberals at Moron.org have tried to compare President Bush to Adolph Hitler
Just last week they libeled General Petraeus as General Betray Us.
Now they're after Rudy Giuliani for quitting the Iraq Study Group (ISG)...
Betrayal of Trust
Betrayal of Trust?They can't even move past that, having used it against President Bush & General Petraeus.
I think Rudy would have been harshly criticized for having a conflict of interest if he stayed in the ISG and then running for President.
Plus, I never trust any individual or group that has to hire a public relations firm (Edelman firm).
There's a good use of our over $1 Million in tax dollars.
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