Liberal libel

Last September President Bush had this exchange with a New York Times reporter...
GWB: Did you say Hi Mr. President, that's pretty friendly.
NYT: We're a friendly newspaper.
GWB: Yeah.......Let me put it this way, I'd hate to see UN-friendly!
Here's UN-friendly and the scientific community is united in that fact...
Not only did the scum bastards run the ad slamming General Petraeus as General Betray Us, the New York Times helped subsidize it.
To the tune of more than $116,000.
MoveOn yesterday confirmed that it paid just $65,000 for the full-page missive - compared to what a Times spokesman said is usually $181,000 for such ads.
It should come as no surprise that not one Dummycrat has denounced for the ad.Hellary even seemed to hop on their bandwagon.
Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
--Thomas Jefferson
It appears we have appointed our worst generals to command forces, and our most gifted and brilliant to edit newspapers. In fact, I discovered by reading newspapers that these editor/geniuses plainly saw all my strategic defects from the start, yet failed to inform me until it was too late. Accordingly, I am readily willing to yield my command to these obviously superior intellects, and I will, in turn, do my best for the cause by writing editorials — after the fact. -- Robert E. Lee
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