Sunday, December 02, 2007

What the?

Recently Governor Big Lug Nut spoke at the 6th Annual Disproportionate Minority Confinement Resource Center Conference (DMCRC).

There's a whole resource center, at the University of Iowa, dedicated to disproportionate minority confinement and they've had conferences since 2002?

The DMCRC is an offshoot of the National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice (NRCFCP).

The NRCFCP has been been around for 25 years and is a project of the University of Iowa's School of Social Work.

Put your hand on your wallet because it appears the only thing these people have accomplished is to stay employed and have annual conferences that give the Isiserettes an opportunity to perform.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

At the DMCRC conference the Big Lug Nut told those gathered...

"Let me make it clear, it is my administration's policy to end the overrepresentation of minorities in Iowa's correction system for adults and juveniles."

And that there's "a problem with a portion who are being punished unnecessarily" because of their race.

That's from a politician pandering to his base and sounding like he's for quotas in the prison system.

The Real Sporer said it best...

Culver, in a typical liberal fashion, is seeking to blame the “system” for the minority incarcerations rather than the behavior of the incarcerated individuals.

Here's the reality from Polk County Judge Odell McGhee...

" this jurisdiction on average, you've committed a lot of crimes to get to prison."


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