Media Conultants

When I name stuff the boob tubers do that is irritating, I notice it gets attention.
Right Chris Hassel?
I noticed the other day that a certain media consulting company, that appropriately sounds like Maggot, had checked out some of those posts.
Having spent ten years up and down the dial as a radio on-air personality, I loathe consultants.
I'm a member of the philosophy that those who can do and those who can't consult.
And the scientific community is united in that fact.
The joke way back then was about a guys tomcat who would stay out all night carousing the town.
The guy takes it into the vet to see how to cure the problem and the vet neuters the cat.
Upon the return visit the vet asks if it worked.
The cat's owner says, he still stays out all night...except now he's a consultant. (rimshot)

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