Sunday, April 20, 2008

Old Man

Recently Dummycrats have run attacks against John McCain up the flag pole, right below their white surrender flag, to see what sticks.

They've tried scaring people about his temper.

To which McCain responded...

"When I see corruption in Washington, when I see wasting needlessly of their tax dollars, when I see people behaving badly – they expect me to get angry and I will get angry."

Thank You!

They've had Vietnam era vet CommieTommie Harkin try to slander his military service...

"I still think there’s a problem with his view of the Vietnam War."

Thanks Quagmire, giggity, giggity!

Lastly, old coot John Murtha has tried to make an issue of McCain's age (71).

McCain makes fun of himself by saying he's older than dirt, but points to his 96 year old mother who is still going strong.

I did like the response to Mad Murtha from James L. Martin, president of the 60 Plus Association.

Per the Washington Times/Inside the Beltway...

"Ageism is one of the last remaining prejudices that parades openly in our society and it is discouraging to hear a sitting U.S. representative, a senior himself at 75, state that age is an indicator of performance or ability.

Has he never heard of Charles De Gaulle ... or the inimitable Winston Churchill who left office the last time at 81? Who can listen without a surge of pride and gratitude to Churchill's stirring remarks in the dark days of World War II when he, and he alone, rallied Great Britain and the rest of the world against Hitler?

Churchill was then only 71, McCain's age, ultimately retiring from office 10 years later."

Martin wonders why Mr. Murtha isn't speaking about 90-year-old Democratic Sen. Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia who "is third in line to be president ... and if Byrd steps aside, who is third in line ... none other than Sen. Ted Kennedy, age 76 ...

"Sens. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, 84, Daniel Inouye, 83, Daniel Akaka, 83 ... and I must say that Congressman Murtha's timing is interesting, with none other than His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, in town this week celebrating his 81st birthday at the White House. Too old to be pope?"

I can sum it up best with Grouch Marx...

A man's only as old as the woman he feels!

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

Cindy McCain (53) & John McCain (71)


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