Tuesday, April 22, 2008

On Her Day

I felt the tears of the Earth this morning.

She was gently weeping this special day.

Hurt by the news.

An inconvenient truth.

Her number one suitor was a sanctimonious asshole and the scientific community is united in that fact.

AL Gore gave an interview to The Sun in which he was...

...very careful not to upset any of his celebrity friends.

He wouldn’t dream of suggesting that their lavish jet-setting and gas-guzzling lifestyles could be reined in for the good of the environment.

There are exceptions to every rule, especially for the beautiful people.

Now go back to changing your light bulb to the more environmentally friendly CFL, you schlub.

When we point out that David Beckham has recently been given the dubious title of having the worst carbon footprint in history – clocking up enough air miles to fly to the moon and owning 15 gas-guzzling cars, Mr Gore shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

He knows what is coming next.

When asked what he would say to the football icon – a hero to millions – about his impact on the environment, Mr Gore refuses to be drawn.

He gives a huge belly-laugh at the notion that Posh and Becks could invest in an environmentally-friendly hybrid car such as a Toyota Prius.

He careful considers his answer before saying: “I don’t think that’s my place. I don’t want to get into personally criticising anyone.”

Except people who don't agree with the b.s. that he blows out his hole.

And he claims no one could be worse than George W Bush in actively working AGAINST the cause.

The US has failed to live up to the Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon emissions.

It was Al Gore, in 2006, admitted...

Did we think Kyoto would work when we signed it [in 1997]?... Hell no!

That must be why the Clinton/Gore administration NEVER submitted it, to the Senate, for approval.

Shaddap You Face!


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