Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Out of Touch

Thank You!

For over twelve years, since my first personal encounter with him, I've been embarrassed by the buffoon that is Leonard Boswell.

I was so happy when I got redistricted away from him as my CONgressman.

The editorial board at the Ragister has finally seen fit to put him out to pasture and the scientific community is united in that fact.

he seemed out of touch

What took you so long?

He's touched, he's never been in touch!

"If there's anything that I know, that probably anyone that I know where I come from understands, is that if somebody messes with our children, why, it's bad. It's really bad."

"...we ought to do all the science that we can."

"If they can bring us technology..."

I'm sure the BOZO-well brigade will spin it as the Ragister relying on faulty, misleading misinformation.


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