Friday, February 16, 2007

What'd he say?

House Dummycrats have spent most of the week embarrassing America with the Iraq War resolution.

Leonard BOZO-well took the opportunity to embarrass any Iowan with a brain.

BOZO-well, on the floor of the House, was supposed to say..."I recognize the pretext for going to war was based on faulty, misleading intelligence".

What BOZO-well said was, "The pretext for going to war was based on faulty, misleading misinformation."


Let me say that again backwards, HUH?

Wow, a double negative.

That makes the information accurate and BOZO-well having no intelligence!

No wonder the Dummycrats consider his seat vulnerable for '08.

I agree with the Wall Street Journal's take on the debate...

"Congress has rarely been distinguished by its moral courage. But even grading on a curve, we can only describe this week's House debate on a vote of no-confidence in the mission in Iraq as one of the most shameful moments in the institution's history."

"On present course, the members will vote [today] to approve a resolution that does nothing to remove American troops from harm's way in Iraq but that will do substantial damage to their morale and that of their Iraqi allies while emboldening the enemy..."

"The motion at issue is plainly dishonest, in that exquisitely congressional way of trying to have it both ways. ... The resolution purports to 'support' the troops even as it disapproves of their mission. It praises their 'bravery,' while opposing the additional forces that both President Bush and General David Petraeus, the new commanding general in Iraq, say are vital to accomplishing that mission. And it claims to want to 'protect' the troops even as its practical impact will be to encourage Iraqi insurgents to believe that every roadside bomb brings them closer to their goal."



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